Source code for traitschema.schema

from __future__ import division

import json
import os.path as osp

import numpy as np
from traits.api import HasTraits

    import h5py
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    h5py = None

class OptionalDependencyMissingError(Exception):
    """Raised when an optional dependency such as h5py is required but not


class _NumpyJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, o):
        # TODO: Figure out the right way to do this that maintains dtypes
        if isinstance(o, np.recarray):
            raise RuntimeError("Recarrays are not currently supported when "
                               "saving to json")
        elif isinstance(o, np.ndarray):
            return o.tolist()
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

[docs]class Schema(HasTraits): """Extension to :class:`HasTraits` to add methods for automatically saving and loading typed data. Examples -------- Create a new data class:: import numpy as np from traits.api import Array from traitschema import Schema class Matrix(Schema): data = Array(dtype=np.float64) matrix = Matrix(data=np.random.random((8, 8))) Serialize to HDF5 using :mod:`h5py`:: matrix.to_hdf("out.h5") Load from HDF5:: matrix_copy = Matrix.from_hdf("out.h5") """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Schema, self).__init__(**kwargs) traits = self.class_visible_traits() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in traits: raise RuntimeError("trait {} is not in {}".format( key, self.__class__.__name__ )) setattr(self, key, value) def __str__(self): # pragma: nocover attr_strs = ["{}={}".format(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in self.visible_traits()] return "<{}({})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, '\n '.join(attr_strs)) def __repr__(self): # pragma: nocover return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): for attr in self.visible_traits(): this = getattr(self, attr) that = getattr(other, attr) try: if this != that: return False except AttributeError: return False except ValueError: if not all(this == that): return False return True
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return all visible traits as a dictionary.""" return {name: getattr(self, name) for name in self.visible_traits()}
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Serialize using the type determined by the file extension. Parameters ---------- filename : str Full output path. Notes ----- Only default saving options are used, so this method is less flexible than using the ``to_xyz`` methods instead. """ func = { '.npz': 'to_npz', '.h5': 'to_hdf', '.json': 'to_json', }[osp.splitext(filename)[1]] if func != 'to_json': getattr(self, func)(filename) else: with open(filename, 'w') as jf: jf.write(getattr(self, func)())
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename): """Counterpart to :meth:`save`.""" func = { '.npz': 'from_npz', '.h5': 'from_hdf', '.json': 'from_json', }[osp.splitext(filename)[1]] if func != 'from_json': return getattr(cls, func)(filename) else: with open(filename, 'r') as jf: return getattr(cls, func)(jf)
[docs] def to_npz(self, filename, compress=False): """Save in numpy's npz archive format. Parameters ---------- filename : str compress : bool Save as a compressed archive (default: False) Notes ----- To ensure loading of scalar values works as expected, casting traits should be used (e.g., ``CStr`` instead of ``String`` or ``Str``). See the :mod:`traits` documentation for details. """ save = np.savez_compressed if compress else np.savez attrs = self.to_dict() save(filename, **attrs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_npz(cls, filename): """Load data from numpy's npz format. Parameters ---------- filename : str """ npz = np.load(filename) attrs = {key: value for key, value in npz.items()} self = cls(**attrs) return self
[docs] def to_hdf(self, filename, mode='w', compression=None, compression_opts=None, encode_string_arrays=True, encoding='utf8'): """Serialize to HDF5 using :mod:`h5py`. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to save HDF5 file to. mode : str Default: ``'w'`` compression : str or None Compression to use with arrays (see :mod:`h5py` documentation for valid choices). compression_opts : int or None Compression options, generally a number specifying compression level (see :mod:`h5py` documentation for details). encode_string_arrays : bool When True, force encoding of arrays of unicode strings using the ``encoding`` keyword argument. Not setting this will result in errors if using arrays of unicode strings. Default: True. encoding : str Encoding to use when forcing encoding of unicode string arrays. Default: ``'utf8'``. Notes ----- Each stored dataset will also have a ``desc`` attribute which uses the ``desc`` attribute of each trait. The root node also has attributes: * ``classname`` - the class name of the instance being serialized * ``python_module`` - the Python module in which the class is defined """ if h5py is None: # pragma: nocover raise OptionalDependencyMissingError("h5py not found") with h5py.File(filename, mode) as hfile: for name in self.class_visible_traits(): trait = self.trait(name) # Workaround for saving arrays containing unicode. When the # data type is unicode, each element is encoded as utf-8 # before being saved to hdf5 data = getattr(self, name) if data is None: # If a trait has not been populated, don't try to store it continue data_is_recarray = isinstance(data, np.recarray) if trait.array is True and encode_string_arrays: # Encode each element of an array containing unicode # elements if ~data_is_recarray and data.dtype.char == 'U': data = [s.encode(encoding) for s in data] elif data_is_recarray: # Determine what the final dtypes will be final_dtypes = [] unicode_fields = [] for i, field in enumerate(data.dtype.names): if data[field].dtype.kind != 'U': final_dtypes.append((field, data[field].dtype.str)) else: final_dtypes.append((field, '<S256')) unicode_fields.append(field) # Update dtypes of the data. This will coerce the # unicode fields to bytes automatically data = data.astype(final_dtypes) chunks = True if trait.array else False compression_kwargs = {} if chunks: if compression is not None: compression_kwargs['compression'] = compression if compression_opts is not None: compression_kwargs['compression_opts'] = compression_opts dset = hfile.create_dataset('/{}'.format(name), data=data, chunks=chunks, **compression_kwargs) # Store the data type as an attribute to make it easier to # reconstruct with correct data types dset.attrs['type'] = str(type(data)) if trait.desc is not None: dset.attrs['desc'] = trait.desc hfile.attrs['classname'] = self.__class__.__name__ hfile.attrs['python_module'] = self.__class__.__module__
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf(cls, filename, decode_string_arrays=True, encoding='utf-8'): """Deserialize from HDF5 using :mod:`h5py`. Parameters ---------- filename : str decode_string_arrays: bool Arrays of bytes should be decoded into strings encoding: str Encoding scheme to use for decoding Returns ------- Deserialized instance """ if h5py is None: # pragma: nocover raise OptionalDependencyMissingError("h5py not found") self = cls() with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as hfile: for name in self.visible_traits(): trait = self.trait(name) if name not in hfile: continue dset = hfile['/{}'.format(name)] data = dset.value # Use type attribute to determine how to proceed data_is_recarray = dset.attrs['type'] == str(np.recarray) if trait.array is True and decode_string_arrays: # Encode each element of an array containing bytes if ~data_is_recarray and data.dtype.char == 'S': data = [s.decode(encoding) for s in data] elif data_is_recarray: # Determine what the final dtypes will be final_dtypes = [] bytes_fields = [] for i, field in enumerate(data.dtype.names): if data[field].dtype.kind != 'S': final_dtypes.append((field, data[field].dtype.str)) else: final_dtypes.append((field, '<U256')) bytes_fields.append(field) # Update dtypes of the data. This will coerce the # bytes fields to unicode automatically data = data.astype(final_dtypes) setattr(self, name, data) return self
# FIXME: this should optionally write to a file
[docs] def to_json(self, json_kwargs={}): """Serialize to JSON. Parameters ---------- json_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`json.dumps`. Returns ------- JSON string. Notes ----- This uses a custom JSON encoder to handle numpy arrays but could conceivably lose precision. If this is important, please consider serializing in HDF5 format instead. As a consequence of using a custom encoder, the ``cls`` keyword arugment, if passed, will be ignored. """ data = {name: getattr(self, name) for name in self.visible_traits()} json_kwargs['cls'] = _NumpyJsonEncoder return json.dumps(data, **json_kwargs)
# FIXME allow filenames
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data): """Deserialize from a JSON string or file. Parameters ---------- data : str or file-like Returns ------- Deserialized instance """ if not isinstance(data, str): loaded = json.load(data) else: loaded = json.loads(data) return cls(**{key: value for key, value in loaded.items()})