Source code for

import contextlib
import hashlib
from importlib import import_module
import json
import os.path as osp
import shutil
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from zipfile import ZipFile


[docs]class UnsupportedArchiveFormat(Exception): """Raised when a file extension doesn't match up with a supported archive format. """
@contextlib.contextmanager def tempdir(): dirname = mkdtemp() yield dirname shutil.rmtree(dirname)
[docs]def bundle_schema(outfile, schema, format='npz'): """Bundle several :class:`Schema` objects into a single archive. Parameters ---------- outfile : str Output bundle filename. Only zip archives are supported. schema : Dict[str, Schema] Dictionary of :class:`Schema` objects to bundle together. Keys are names to give each schema and are used when loading a bundle. format : str Format to save individual schema as (default: ``'npz'``). Notes ----- Default options are used with all saving functions (e.g., no compression is used for individual serialized schema). """ if not outfile.endswith('.zip'): raise UnsupportedArchiveFormat basename, ext = osp.splitext(outfile) archive_format = ext.lstrip('.') with tempdir() as staging_dir: index = { 'schema': {}, 'bundle_version': BUNDLE_VERSION, } for key, obj in schema.items(): basename = hashlib.sha1(key.encode()).hexdigest() + '.' + format filename = osp.join(staging_dir, basename) index['schema'][key] = { 'filename': basename, 'classname': obj.__class__.__name__, 'module': obj.__class__.__module__, } with open(osp.join(staging_dir, 'index.json'), 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(index)) archve_filename = shutil.make_archive(basename, archive_format, staging_dir) shutil.move(archve_filename, outfile)
[docs]def load_bundle(filename): """Loads a bundle of schema saved with :func:`bundle_schema`. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to bundled schema archive. Returns ------- schema : dict A dictionary of stored schema where the keys are the keys used when bundling. Additionally, a ``__meta__`` key will contain other info that was stored when saved (e.g., bundling format version number). """ with tempdir() as path: with ZipFile(filename) as zf: zf.extractall(path) with open(osp.join(path, 'index.json')) as f: index = json.loads( schema = { '__meta__': {k: v for k, v in index.items() if k != 'schema'} } for key, value in index['schema'].items(): mod = import_module(value['module']) cls = getattr(mod, value['classname']) schema[key] = cls.load(osp.join(path, value['filename'])) return schema